Interactive guide of companies
Inforino was created specifically for smartphones or tablets. This is the most convenient way to find services at the best price and keep in touch with the companies, which services are used regularly.
For Companies:
Create a company page
Personal assistant
Inforino is able to adapt for the personal needs of any user, primarily offering companies, which services are relevant for the person. This application is an inseparable part of everyday life and it makes the solution for the routine asks easier.
For Companies:
Create a company page
The unique promotional tool
Inforino is a unique opportunity for companies, which work in the service sector, to get their own mobile application, without a lot of spending. The page in the interactive guide will allow communicating directly with your customers and personally informing them about important news.
For Companies:
Create a company page
At this moment 67403 of companies are using Inforino.
About Inforino
Free mobile application – an interactive business guide of companies.

Pages of Inforino are lead by the companies that are interested in maintaining the contact with their clients. The pages are regularly updated with the information and news, insuring the relevance of their pages for their clients.

Unlike a normal guide, Inforino not only has the basic information about companies, but also has important and useful information and additional services such as:
-Interactive schedules for schools, gyms and fitness clubs, with information about the changes
-Detailed current menu of favorite cafe and restaurants, with the announcement of updates and promotions.
-Posters for movies and theaters with the ability to purchase tickets online.

Comfortable search of companies and services, which are located closely to the customer
Extensive database from restaurants and movie theaters to the baths and repair shops
The information of addresses, phones and prices are always up to date
The ability to get discounts, participate in the promotions and special offers of companies.
This benefits companies
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Phone: +7 (495)782-58-02


Address: Moscow, Бумажныйпроезд 14, стр. 1

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Create a company page in the interactive guide
Registering in the system you will have access to the personal account to your company.
You will have access to interactive features of Inforino.
All fields are necessary to fill in

Company name:
Without ownership, quotes and with capital letter. Example: Inforino
Without parentheses, spaces and dashes. Example: +74951234567
Contact name:
Create a company page
Inforino for companies
For most companies in Inforino, the personal page is already created, there is available general and contact information and it is located on the map. The possibilities of Inforino are much wider. Registering in the system and having access to a personal account will allow you to use Inforino at the full capacity and potential.

Participating in inforino is like having your own mobile application or website. This is a unique opportunity to maintain regular contact with your clients, communicating directly through the device, which is alwaysin the pocket of the modern man and is ready to use.

Regular communication can improve loyalty, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on sales.

With Inforino companies can:
- Publish news
- Send messages directly to the customers on smart phones
- Conduct training schedule and receptions
- Place the actual menus
- Sell tickets to the events
- Use the variety of other useful services

Companies will also get:
- Direct communication with their customers, the ability to maintain regular contact with them
- Additional service to customers, which will increase the loyalty for the company
- Ability to sell a new varieties of products and services
- Access to a wide audience of smartphone users with attracting new customers.
- Saving money, with comparing to creation of your own mobile application or website.

Inforino – more than a reference book!


Create a company page
Project Partners
We are proud of partners and participants who cooperate with the Inforino project!